Picture Journal (7/17/19) Grandchildren Visit Mom Dementia

Hanging all clothes on a metal hanger

Walking in to mom’s room, she was busy! She had gotten several of her roommate’s clothes, along with mom’s. Her focus was to put all of them in the middle of a metal hanger! With some coaxing and a lot of patience, mom hung one shirt of the hanger. The other clothes were returned to her roommate’s closet and mom’s clothes were placed back in her drawers.

I love her smile

Happily mom was happy with the clothes being put away. She was excited to go play with Hampton, his friend Tullulah and Kincade!

Fun and funny! My boys struggle with coloring! LOL 🙂

Today mom wanted to color! Perfect activity for all!

Compassion has no boundaries! 1 Peter3:8

While coloring, this sweet lady saw mom. She shuffled up to us and began mumbling. Mom immediately jumped up to hug her while saying, “It is ok. I will take care of you. You need to sit down.” The lady would not sit and mom would not let go. I was afraid they were going to topple over so I grabbed a nurse. She pried them apart and got the friend to follow her out of the room. The children and I cleaned up our coloring. It was time for us to go, so we took mom up front where her friends were getting ready for dinner. she hugged us all good-bye. Our exit was easy!