Triggers and Dementia

Dementia is a cruel disease!
KJ and I went to visit mom at her facility, only to be greeted at the door with a ‘bad’ report! The field trip bus returned early after mom tried to escape from the bus (she kept telling M,the bus driver, she wanted outside). When mom was told ‘no’ she began hitting and kicking! Mom was put into a seatbelt which she was able to pull her legs through and escape! The bus had to stop on the road to restrain mom and buckle her again. Mom was given her milkshake because M knew she was hungry since she did not eat much lunch. (Hunger is a trigger for mom!) Mom proceeded to throw her milkshake causing an ice cream explosion!!! Mom had just returned to AG and was sitting on the couch when KJ and I arrived. She was sitting in a deep trance. It took about 2 minutes for her to ‘snap’ out of it and make eye contact with me. She immediately began crying telling me she was sorry and she doesn’t want to be sick (It is horrific to be trapped in your mind while having moments of lucidity understanding you are trapped)! We walked down the hallway and sat. She proceeded to tell me (her language has greatly diminished yet there is clarity in her broken words and sentences) that she was hitting people on the bus because she wanted off (Mom loves the outdoors. She also is a wanderer, especially when agitated). She knew she had thrown her milkshake. She kept apologizing. 
M came to talk to me. She was kind. She felt there were triggers:
-mom needed bathroom
-when told NO mom felt confined and threatened 
-mom was hungry
-mom kept saying something was burning her???(maybe sun streaming through window)
After talking to M and mom, I asked mom if she were hungry. She said YES. I told her I would take her to the restaurant but she had to let me change her clothes. She cooperated!!! Soon she was at the restaurant and very happy! She loved walking outside and starring at the water. She recognized the grandkids and she ate and ate!!! (Her favorite last night were the Bobby fries and salad😂🤣). I drove her back to AG. She quietly got into her pajamas and let me put her to bed. It was a peaceful ending to a challenging day! John 14:27 (Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.) I continue to battle fear as I watch my mom live with this disease. I get scared every time I forget something, am I doomed to the same fate? The fear can be terrifying! I choose not to allow the ‘What ifs’ to paralyze me. Instead, I hold on to Faith, Hope and Love! (1 Corinthians 13:13) His Love will never abandon mom while the same Love will give me the strength to move forward when all I want to do is hide!

Mom engaged in conversation with the grandkids.
usually, she wants to hug and help everyone!
Mom likes to fold things. A napkin will always keep her busy if she becomes restless.
Trying to decide what mom wanted for dinner. Please do NOT comment on the wine. It was mine! Mom likes her fancy drinks though. Tonight she had a Shirley Temple with a cherry and orange slice. She was very excited!
Mom loves to hold a hand while walking.
Mom’s favorite were the Bobby Fries. She ate mostly standing up. I think she wanted to make sure no one ate too many!😁

6 thoughts on “Triggers and Dementia

  1. I feel sorry for the one who has Alzheimer and also for there families
    I never met anyone one had it until last year, she was my best friends mom I used to knew her from long time ago ,
    I felt sad when I saw her she doesn’t know me or her daughter
    And now my friend LeAnn so sad to see her like that
    The first time I met her it was 1998 in Kuwait God bless her
    Salwa Glubb


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